Aero-Dynamic racing car

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By 1972, Dynamic had switched its business from slot cars to radio controlled cars, but business was hard to come by. So they re-entered the slot car business, using the design of Bob Bernhard to react against the new aerodynamic bodies produced by M.A.C.
These so-called “Aero-Dynamic” bodies were a quicj fad as their theory sim ply did not work well, so Dynamic used them over their already much obsolete angle-winder brass chassis, with Mura “Group-12” motors. When Dynamic decided to quit for good, Gayla Industries purchased or leased the tooling and issued the cars with aluminum chassis, retaining the brass drop arm. These last-gap RTR cars were fitted with Hong Kong produced copies of the Mabuchi FT16 motor, that was totally uncompetitive by 1975 when these cars were marketed.
It was a sad end to one of the greatest slot car companies of the Classic Era.