Auto-Hobbies/Veco Chaparral 2 RTR

SKU: AH105 Category:


This model is a bit of a mystery and has been for a long time, but was probably never released by Auto-Hobbies, at the time a Division of the VECO model airplane company. This Chaparral 2 is the actual model shown on the advertising published in 1966 in various period magazines along with a Lotus 40. After years of research, the LASCM experts have never seen an actual model in any condition or packaging for this car. The body came directly from the estate of Bill Sippel, Auto-Hobbies founder, and the chassis was assembled from a very scarce kit that fitted the existing wheelbase and mounting holes on the body very precisely. The wheels were later changed to the correct VECO units as shown on the Auto-Hobbies illustrated catalog. The pictures show here will soon be upgraded.
The model is shown here with another body featuring front fins as used on the body of the actual Chaparral 2, winner of the 1965 LA Times Grand Prix at Riverside. This is also the only example known to exist at this time.